Deepest Fears, Uncategorized

Deepest Fears #1: What If My Writing Stinks? (And I Don’t Know It.)


“I was given a manuscript to read, but it was so bad I sent it back/deleted it immediately.”

“A friend asked me to read their writing. I tried, but I couldn’t think of anything nice to say, so I just gave it back and said I didn’t have the time.”

“I wrote my first novel and it still sits in my garage- I was so proud of it at the time, but now I realize how awful it is.”

Sound familiar? If you’ve poked around in the world of writing at all, you’ve probably run into stories like these.

These stories speak to the deepest, most neurotic corner of my heart, and they tell me one thing:

“Your writing is possibly, even probably awful, and you’re just too close to see it.”

The temptation to burn the whole mess, (in effigy of course, let’s not get crazy here. I still want my laptop for recipes,) is strong. Just kill the story, move on with non-creative pursuits, stay happy and safe from rejection. I’d sure get more house cleaning done…

Deep breaths. Stay calm.

Writing is an art. Taste is subjective, BUT there are definite markers for good vs. flame-worthy.

The following are a few things I’ve tried, hoping to ensure quality.

  1. Find Safe Readers.

I’ve run into a great deal of professional advice telling me not to lean on people I know as readers- especially not relatives or friends. As a newbie to this whole ‘biz, I’m going to come right out and say I ignored this. I needed readers who were going to leave me unbloodied from my first exposure as an adult author.

I was fortunate to have people who were both very literate, and honest enough to let me know if the overall project should probably be kept ‘just for me.’ After my book passed the eyes of four people I trusted, it was ready for the next step.

  1. Find ‘Scary’ Readers

I entered my novel- a much earlier draft- in the Athanatos Christian Writing Contest. I made the first judging cut, (yay!) but not the finals, (sigh.) Besides the experience of exposing my writing to professional scrutiny, I received a whoooole bunch of feedback.

Warning: Taking professional feedback was hard.

Still, once I got over the initial “But…but…but…” reaction to some of the constructive criticism, I was able to put it to work for me, and come out with a MUCH stronger draft of the story than I started with. The experience was valuable and enlightening.

  1. EDIT.

I’m not sure WHAT draft I’m officially on, and I still find sentences that could be strengthened and errors that I taught students to avoid. I’ve read, reread, taken a break and then read again. Articles by other authors have been invaluable in pointing out common errors- apparently I am very fond of adverbs, and unnecessary speech tags.

  1. Read Aloud

Especially in the case of dialogue, something might look great in type, but once you say the words you realize they sound bad enough to make angels weep.   I hyperbolize, but seriously, reading aloud has helped me pay more attention to word choice and flow. My kids look at me like I’m crazy as I go around talking to myself, but they did that anyway.

  1. Read Other Books

Apparently my female protagonist’s name was an extremely overused one. Who knew?

Avoiding clichés is easier if you know what other authors have written. Also, excellent authors encourage me to rethink word choices, to stretch and to grow.

  1. Don’t give up!

If we give up, we’ll never succeed, or even improve! If one piece doesn’t pan out, the next might be better!

Besides, let’s face reality. If I give up now, the house won’t really get any cleaner- I’ll just be out one more excuse.

Do you have any tips to share that strengthen your writing and allay your fears?

9 thoughts on “Deepest Fears #1: What If My Writing Stinks? (And I Don’t Know It.)”

  1. Love these pointers!

    I miss writing, but I never had anyone reading and I gave up (this was a blog, not a novel or anything important). I was writing for myself but desperately wanted approval and comments from people. I quit because I wasnt getting feedback. I’ve thought about writing again, but I then go back to “why bother? No one cares” so I don’t.

    Do NOT do what I do. KEEP GOING! You are a much better writer than I ever was or will be.


    1. Awww, Stevie 🙂 Thanks for your kind words-I’d read your stuff!!! (And now I’m flashing to that moment in A New Hope when Luke says “I care.” Cuz I’m a nerd.) May I ask- what kinds of things do you like to write about?


  2. “My kids look at me like I’m crazy as I go around talking to myself, but they did that anyway.”

    You made me snort out loud in the dawn when kids were (hopefully) still asleep. For shame!

    Actually, shame on me for FINALLY catching up with you. A lovely, honest post, this, because it’s all true: we ARE too close to our own writing to be able to see its awfulness. All the stories are our babies, they just need a chance to be understood, oh look that one’s starting a fire on the stove, isn’t it precious? And so on. But we can love our babies and still admit they’ve got an evil-streak…and admit a story’s awful, too. The thing I guess I try to remember is that NO story is beyond redemption, just like our babies. 😉 The question is when you the writer are ready to take the story through the trials it needs to become better. and maybe it’s not even the story itself that’s redeemable, but the setting, or hero, or villain, that are worth saving while the plot or whatever is respectfully put to rest.
    and now I’m rambling. Time for more coffee, Friend! xxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you- I appreciate your kind words, and I’m glad you found the information worthwhile! It’s tricky, balancing personal anecdote with information that someone else may actually find useful 🙂


  3. There are so many good insights here. I don’t think a writer ever knows if their stuff is truly good. Even if they are happy with it, a good writer should feel a little fear each time they give a draft to someone to read. Because even a good draft is imperfect, and I don’t think a piece of writing is ever finished in the editing process. It’s either good enough to publish or it’s not, but that’s what constructive criticism is for. And even that is hard to find. People are usually either overly nice or overly brutal in their assessments, and neither really helps the writer. So, it’s a delicate balance to maintain, but it’s worth it for every piece of genuine praise you receive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Laura, and thanks for stopping by! 🙂 Yes, that balance in constructive criticism is tricky to find – I think it gets easier to deal with as time goes on, though, at least a little bit…


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